We are the Rotas. Melissa, Jason, Lauer, and Dogs Bodey- a German Shorthaired Pointer, Bullmastiffs, Moose and Naya, and a cat Joxter. We like to post all of our baby and animal pictures here so people can view them when they want rather than sending countless emails of our little lovers!! We hope you enjoy!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Halloween Jammies
Drumroll please...........
Lauer has finally rolled over!!!! We thought he'd never do it because he hated being on his back or belly but Nana Floyd babysat him yesterday and was helping him to learn and sure enough he finally did it!!! We were all cheering him on and when he finally did it we all hooted and scared the poor little guy! Watch his feet after we cheer and then his face, he got so scared and cried. We felt bad but were so excited for him. We thought maybe because of his, um-er, size, that he might not be able to do it. Turns out he was just lazy. Haaahaa
Thank you again so much Barb!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The farm
got to see Stevie (left) and Joshua as well as the
horses Ziggy (in pic) Brandy, and Stella. There
were also 2 highland cows named Carmela and
Sandy as well as tons of chickens, a bullmastiff
named Hercules, a rescue dog named Shelby,
and a bird, a fish, and 4 cats. Joshua even made
us pretzel rods dipped in chocolate for a snack.
We had a blast and I don't know who enjoyed it
more, us or the boys!!
rods so I
guess us!